Categorical aspects  of differential Galois theory

Register here (Deadline 14 May 2024)
Peston Lecture Theatre
Graduate Centre
Queen Mary University of London


All talks are in MLT, Maths Lecture Theatre (Maths Building)

Monday 05/06

Tuesday 06/06

Wednesday 07/06

Thursday 08/06

Friday 09/06

Programme committee

Organising committee

Confirmed speakers


Due to rapidly increasing prices for summer 2023 in London, participants are encouraged to book their accommodation as early as possible. The key is to shop around, and not to worry if you find a hotel which is several tube or bus stops away, the transportaion is usually very efficient. The organisers would like to point out the following options among the huge variety of other possibilities.

Speakers and participants expecting to be reimbursed by QMUL should book at most 3* hotels.

Registrations are closed. If you haven't registered, you are welcome to attend, but please refrain from eating lunch.

A one-day meeting

The aim of this gathering is to deepen the discussion on the interaction of differential and difference Picard-Vessiot Galois theory, Categorical Galois theory and Logic.


Talks and lunch are in Peston LT, (Graduate Centre Building)